Language of document :

Action brought on 22 July 2011 - ZZ v Court of Justice of the European Union

(Case F-71/11)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: ZZ (represented by: J.-M. Bauler, lawyer)

Defendant: Court of Justice of the European Union

Subject-matter and description of the proceedings

Annulment of the applicant's staff report for the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2007 and compensation for non-material damage.

Form of order sought

Annul the staff report for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2007; in the alternative, annul the note of 9 September 2009 established following the annulment of the previous staff report covering the same period;

annul the decision dismissing the complaint of 14 April 2011;

order the defendant to pay EUR 50 000 by way of compensation for non-material damage;

order the Court of Justice of the European Union to pay the costs.
