Language of document :

Action brought on 18 May 2015 — ZZ and Others v EIB

(Case F-78/15)

Language of the case: French


Applicants: ZZ and Others (represented by: L. Levi, lawyer)

Defendant: European Investment Bank (EIB)

Subject-matter and description of the proceedings

Firstly, annulment of the decisions in the pay statements for February 2015, fixing the annual salary adjustment as limited to 1.2% for 2015 and annulment of the later statements and, in so far as necessary, the information notes which the defendant sent to the applicants on 6 and 10 February 2015. Secondly, an order that the EIB pay damages in respect of the material and non-material harm allegedly suffered.

Form of order sought

Declare the present action admissible and well founded, including the plea of illegality which it contains;


Annul the decision contained in the applicant’s pay statements for February 2015, which decision fixed the annual salary adjustment at 1.2% for 2015 and, accordingly, annul the similar decisions contained in the later pay statements and, in so far as necessary, annul two information notes sent by the defendant to the applicants on 6 February 2015 and 10 February 2015;

Accordingly, order the defendant:

to pay to each defendant, as compensation for the material harm, (i) the balance of the salary corresponding to the application of the annual adjustment for 2015, namely an increase of 0.4%, for the period of 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015; (ii) the balance of the salary corresponding to the effects of application of the annual adjustment of 1.2% for 2015 on the amount of the salaries which will be paid with effect from January 2016; (iii) default interest on the balances of the salaries due until payment in full of the sums due, the rate of the default interest to be applied must be calculated on the basis of the rate set by the European Central Bank for main refinancing operations, applicable during the relevant period, increased by three points and (iv) damages in respect of the loss of purchasing power; this material loss as a whole being estimated, provisionally, for each applicant, at EUR 30 000;

to pay to each applicant EUR 1 000 in respect of non-material harm;

Order the EIB to pay all the costs.
