Language of document : ECLI:EU:C:2019:903



Order of the Court (Chamber determining whether appeals may proceed) of 24 October 2019 — Rietze v EUIPO

(Case C599/19 P)

(Appeal — Community design — Determination as to whether appeals should be allowed to proceed– Article 170b of the Rules of Procedure of the Court — Request failing to demonstrate the significance of an issue with respect to the unity, consistency or development of EU law — Appeal not allowed to proceed)

1.      Appeal — Scheme for prior determination as to whether appeals should be allowed to proceed — Significant issue with respect to the unity, consistency or development of EU law — Burden of proof

(Statute of the Court of Justice, Art. 58a; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, Art. 170b)

(see paras 6, 7)

2.      Judicial procedure — Scheme for prior determination as to whether appeals should be allowed to proceed — Request that an appeal should be allowed to proceed — Formal requirements — Scope

(Statute of the Court of Justice, Art. 58a; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, Art. 170b)

(see paras 11, 12)

3.      Appeal — Scheme for prior determination as to whether appeals should be allowed to proceed — Significant issue with respect to the unity, consistency or development of EU law — Request that the appeal be allowed to proceed failing to show the significance of the issue — Appeal not allowed to proceed

(Statute of the Court of Justice, Art. 58a; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, Art. 170b)

(see paras 9, 14-17)

Operative part


The appeal is not allowed to proceed.


Rietze GmbH & Co. KG shall bear its own costs.