Judgment of the General Court (Sixth Chamber) of 12 April 2013.

Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto ry v European Commission.

Competition - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices - Copyright relating to public performance of musical works via the internet, satellite and cable retransmission - Decision finding an infringement of Article 81 EC - Sharing of the geographic market - Bilateral agreements between national collecting societies - Concerted practices precluding the possibility of granting multi-territory and multi-repertoire licences - Proof - Presumption of innocence.

Case T-401/08.

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
Judgment (OJ)
17/05/2013 Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto v Commission
14/11/2008 Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto v Commission
Order (Information)
14/11/2008 Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto v Commission
12/04/2013 Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto v Commission
Judgment (Summary)
12/04/2013 Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto v Commission
Order (OJ)
06/03/2009 Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto v Commission
Application (OJ)
06/12/2008 Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto v Commission
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

published in the electronic Reports of Cases (Court Reports - general)


Annulment of Commission Decision C (2008) 3435 final of 16 July 2008 relating to a proceeding under Article 81 EC and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Case COMP/C2/38.698 – CISAC) concerning a concerted practice relating to the conditions governing the administration of rights to the public performance of musical works and the granting of corresponding licences by collecting societies and which take the form of restrictions on membership applied in the reciprocal representation agreements as contained in the model contract of the Conféderation Internationale des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs – International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers – CISAC) or the application of the restrictions on membership.

Systematic classification scheme

4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices null null
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices null null
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices null null
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices null null
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices null null
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.03 Implementation of the competition rules Procedure for the application of the competition rules by the Commission Decision of the Commission
1 The legal order of the European Union
  1.04 Fundamental rights
    1.04.03 The fundamental rights Presumption of innocence and right of defence
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.03 Implementation of the competition rules Procedure for the application of the competition rules by the Commission General
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.03 Implementation of the competition rules Procedure for the application of the competition rules by the Commission Decision of the Commission
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices Nullity of agreements and decisions General
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices null null
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices Nullity of agreements and decisions "Provisional validity"
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices Nullity of agreements and decisions
3 Legal proceedings
  3.02 Actions for annulment
    3.02.00 General

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part

Information not available


Information not available


Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 24/09/2008

Date of the Opinion

Information not available

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Application: OJ C 313 from 06.12.2008, p.38

Order: OJ C 69 from 21.03.2009, p.38

Judgment: OJ C 156 from 01.06.2013, p.27

Name of the parties

Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto v Commission

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Lalot, laure: Absence d'entente entre des sociétés de gestion collective européennes faute de preuves suffisantes, Revue Lamy droit des affaires 2013 nº 82 p.42-43 (FR)
  2. Roset, Sébastien: Preuve de pratiques concertées et gestion collective des droits d'auteur, Europe 2013 Juin Comm. nº 269 p.29-30 (FR)
  3. Abenhaïm, M.: La jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal de l'Union européenne. Chronique des arrêts. Concurrence - Décision d'interdiction sans sanction et garanties propres à la « matière pénale ». Arrêts « CISAC », Revue du droit de l'Union européenne 2013 nº 2 p.347-353 (FR)
  4. Jalabert-Doury, Nathalie: Pratiques concertées : Le Tribunal de l’Union européenne annule partiellement la décision CISAC de la Commission européenne du 16 juillet 2008, pour défaut de preuve de pratiques concertées relatives à des exclusivités territoriales (Sociétés de gestion collective), Concurrences : revue des droits de la concurrence 2013 nº 3 p.67-70 (FR)
  5. Gotzen, Frank: Les licences multiterritoriales entre le juge et le législateur. Des affaires « CISAC » à la directive 2014/26, Revue internationale du droit d'auteur 2014 nº 241 p.95-159 (FR)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Information not available


  • Competition
  • - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices
  • - Concerted practices
  • Culture

Provisions of national law referred to

Information not available

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Actions for annulment : application granted
  • Actions for annulment : dismissal on substantive grounds

Formation of the Court

sixième chambre (Tribunal)



Advocate General

Information not available

Language(s) of the Case

  • Finnish

Language(s) of the Opinion

    Information not available