Judgment of the Court of 6 November 2003.

Criminal proceedings against Piergiorgio Gambelli and Others.

Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunale di Ascoli Piceno - Italy.

Right of establishment - Freedom to provide services - Collection of bets on sporting events in one Member State and transmission by internet to another Member State - Prohibition enforced by criminal penalties - Legislation in a Member State which reserves the right to collect bets to certain bodies.

Case C-243/01.

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
Judgment (OJ)
10/01/2004 Gambelli and Others
06/11/2003 Gambelli and Others
Judgment (Summary)
06/11/2003 Gambelli and Others
13/03/2003 Gambelli and Others
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

2003 I-13031


Preliminary ruling ─ Tribunale di Ascoli Piceno ─ Free movement of services and freedom of establishment ─ Compatibility with Article 52 et seq. of the EC Treaty (now, after amendments, Article 43 et seq. EC) and Article 59 et seq. of the EC Treaty (now after amendment, Article 49 EC) of a national law which treats as an offence the organisation of the taking of bets, and the collecting of bets, on various events, in particular on sporting events

Systematic classification scheme

B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-04 Free movement of persons and services
    B-04.03 Freedom of establishment
      B-04.03.01 The various activities
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-04 Free movement of persons and services
    B-04.04 Freedom to provide services
      B-04.04.01 The various services

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part



Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 22/06/2001

Date of the Opinion

  • 13/03/2003

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Application: OJ C 245 from 01.09.2001, p.8

Judgment: OJ C 7 from 10.01.2004, p.7

Name of the parties

Gambelli and Others

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Buschle, Dirk: "Der Spieler" - Schreckgespenst des Gemeinschaftsrechts, European Law Reporter 2003 p.470-472 (DE)
  2. Cingolo, Antonio: La raccolta di scommesse su eventi sportivi: usi e abusi, Rassegna dell'avvocatura dello Stato 2003 IV Sez.II p.53-54 (IT)
  3. Hoeller, Boris ; Bodemann, Rüdiger: Das "Gambelli"-Urteil des EuGH und seine Auswirkungen auf Deutschland, Neue juristische Wochenschrift 2004 p.122-125 (DE)
  4. Bahr, Martin: EuGH: Gemeinschaftsrechtliche Zulässigkeit des Verbots von Internetwetten, Multimedia und Recht 2004 p.94-95 (DE)
  5. Thiele, Clemens: Sportwetten im Internet - Gamb(e)lli(ng) erlaubt!, Österreichisches Recht der Wirtschaft 2004 p.140-141 (DE)
  6. Kabel, Jan J.C.: Intellectuele eigendom & Reclamerecht 2004 p.68-69 (NL)
  7. De Brouwer, Laurent ; Docquir, Benjamin: Revue de droit commercial belge 2004 p.312-313 (NL)
  8. De Brouwer, Laurent ; Docquir, Benjamin: Revue de droit commercial belge 2004 p.313-315 (FR)
  9. X: Giustizia civile 2004 I p.311 (IT)
  10. Fritzemeyer, Wolfgang ; Rinderle, Regina: "Rien ne va plus" für das Glücksspielmonopol in Deutschland?, Computer und Recht 2004 p.367-370 (DE)
  11. Mignone, Claudia Ilaria: La Corte di giustizia si pronuncia sul gioco d'azzardo nell'era di Internet, Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo 2004 p.397-402 (IT)
  12. Idot, Laurence: Jeux et loteries. Nouvelles prises de positions de la Cour sur le statut des jeux et paris, Europe 2004 Janvier Comm. nº 17 p.18-19 (FR)
  13. Van der Beek, J.C.M., De Koning, M.: De goksaga: nieuwe grenzen aan de beperkingen van gokken over de grenzen, Nederlands tijdschrift voor Europees recht 2004 p.137-146 (NL)
  14. Dyhr, Peter: Udenlandske spil og lotterier, Skat Udland 2004 nº 3 (DA)
  15. Walz, Simone: Gambling um Gambelli? - Rechtsfolgen der Entscheidung Gambelli für das staatliche Sportwettenmonopol, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 2004 p.523-526 (DE)
  16. Van der Beek, J.C.M. ; De Koning, M.: De Goksaga vervolgd: hoe EG-recht proof is het Nederlandse kansspelbeleid?, Nederlands tijdschrift voor Europees recht 2004 p.209-210 (NL)
  17. Straetmans, Gert: Common Market Law Review 2004 p.1409-1428 (EN)
  18. Korte, Stefan: Das Gambelli-Urteil des EuGH, Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht 2004 p.1449-1452 (DE)
  19. Campegiani, Claudia ; Papi, Cinzia: Il sistema di monopolio statale delle scommesse e la sua compatibilità con la normativa comunitaria in materia di libertà di stabilimento e di libera prestazione di servizi (art. 43 e 49 CE), Giustizia civile 2004 I p.2529-2533 (IT)
  20. Kowalik-Bańczyk, Krystyna: Orzeczenie ETS C-243/01 Postępowanie karne przeciwko Piergiorgio Gambelli i innym - stosowanie wyjątków od zasady swobody przepływu usług i działalności gospodarczej w kontekście usług świadczonych drogą elektroniczną, Przegląd prawa europejskiego 2004 p.68-73 (PL)
  21. Verbiest, Thibault ; Reynaud, Pascal: Incompatibilité de la législation italienne des jeux et paris avec les articles 43 et 49 du Traité CE, La Semaine juridique - édition générale 2004 II 10172 (FR)
  22. Ohlmann, Wolfgang: Lotterien, Sportwetten, der Lotteriestaatsvertrag und Gambelli, Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis 2005 p.48-68 (DE)
  23. Zagato, Lauso: Caso Gambelli: la Corte di Giustizia riformula il proprio giudizio sulla normativa italiana in materia di scommesse, Europa e diritto privato 2005 p.205-220 (IT)
  24. Leupold, Andreas: Das Sportwettenmonopol der Länder auf dem Prüfstand, MR-Int Europäische Rundschau zum Medienrecht 2005 p.55-66 (DE)
  25. Kruis, Tobias: Untersagung der Vermittlung von Sportwetten, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 2006 p.606-608 (DE)
  26. Costaş, Cosmin Flavius: Libertatea de stabilire. Libera circulație a serviciilor. Colectarea de pariuri pentru evenimente sportive într-un stat membru și transmiterea lor prin Internet unui alt stat membru. Prohibiție instituită sub sancțiuni penale. Legislația unui stat membru care rezervă dreptul de a colecta pariuri anumitor entități, Revista romana de drept al afacerilor 2006 nº 05 p.160-164 (RO)
  27. Kabel, J.J.C.: Online gokken, nationaal beleid, vrij verkeer van diensten, Jurisprudentie Internetrecht: Annotaties (Ed. Deventer - Kluwer) 2006 p.57-58 (NL)
  28. Papp, Mónika: Kivel szemben tisztességtelen? Gondolatok az európai uniós fogyasztói képről és az Európai Unió Bírósága által biztosított jogvédelem szintjéről, Versenytükör 2016 1. szám p.28-37 (HU)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Tribunale di Ascoli Piceno - Italy


  • Freedom of establishment
  • Freedom to provide services

Provisions of national law referred to

Costituzione, art. 3, 10, 11 e 41 legge 13/12/1989, art. 4 legge 23/12/2000

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Reference for a preliminary ruling

Formation of the Court

Cour plénière (Cour)



Advocate General


Language(s) of the Case

  • Italian

Language(s) of the Opinion

  • German