Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber), 28 February 2013

Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas v Autoridade da Concorrência

Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa

Association of chartered accountants — Rules relating to a system of compulsory training for chartered accountants — Article 101 TFEU — Association of undertakings — Restriction of competition — Justifications — Article 106(2) TFEU

Case C‑1/12

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
28/02/2013 Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas
Judgment (Summary)
28/02/2013 Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas
Application (OJ)
09/03/2012 Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

published in the electronic Reports of Cases (Court Reports - general)


Reference for a preliminary ruling – Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa – Interpretation of Articles 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 101 and 102 TFEU – Notion of association of undertakings – Association of chartered accountants – Creation of a mandatory training system for members of the association of chartered accountants – Training provided solely by the association of chartered accountants – Freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services

Systematic classification scheme

4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.00 EU competition rules Definition of undertaking
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices Nullity of agreements and decisions
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices null null

4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.08 Competition
    4.08.01 Agreements, decisions and concerted practices Nullity of agreements and decisions

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part


Information not available


Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 03/01/2012

Date of the Opinion

Information not available

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Application: OJ C 89 from 24.03.2012, p.12

Judgment: OJ C 114 from 20.04.2013, p.17

Name of the parties

Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Dumitraşcu, Augustina: Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene. Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie Europene din 28 februarie 2013, cauza nr. C-1/12, Curierul Judiciar 2012 p.230-231 (RO)
  2. Castellaneta, Marina: Professioni: sul sistema di formazione obbligatoria gli Ordini sono tenuti a rispettare le regole antitrust. A rischio il sistema che attribuisce al Cnf il potere di disciplinare l'aggiornamento, Guida al Diritto 2013 p. 55-58 (IT)
  3. Idot, Laurence: Décision d'association d'entreprises et ordres professionnels. Un ordre professionnel, qui adopte un règlement sur un système de formation professionnelle obligatoire en privilégiant la formation dispensée par ses soins et en imposant des conditions discriminatoires aux autres opérateurs, adopte une décision d'association d'entreprises contraire à l'article 101, paragraphe 1 TFUE, Europe 2013 Avril Comm. nº 4 p.30 (FR)
  4. Hallet, Philippe ; Wildemeersch, Jonathan: La formation continue serait-elle un enjeu économique?, Revue de jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles 2013 p.756-761 (FR)
  5. Skubic, Zoran: Ko zbornični sistem krši konkurenčno pravo EU, Pravna praksa 2013 nº 16-17 p.34-35 (SL)
  6. Werner, Jens: Kartellrecht: Anwendung des EU-Wettbewerbsrechts auf berufsständische Vertretungen, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 2013 p.391-392 (DE)
  7. De Romanet, Joséphine: La formation obligatoire mise en place par un ordre professionnel n'est pas exemptée des règles de la concurrence, Revue Lamy droit des affaires 2013 nº 81 p.46-47 (FR)
  8. Mok, M.R.: Nederlandse jurisprudentie ; Uitspraken in burgerlijke en strafzaken 2013 nº 284 (NL)
  9. Baumé, Tristan: OTOC: The Provision of Training by Professional Associations, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 2013 Vol. 4 nº 4 p.319-321 (EN)
  10. Frazão Nunes, Tânia: Liberal Professions and Competition: the OTOC Preliminary Ruling, European Law Reporter 2013 p.221-225 (EN)
  11. Caldeira, Margarida: Comentário de jurisprudência da União europeia - Acórdão do Tribunal de Justiça de 28 de Fevereiro de 2013, no Processo C-1/12, Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas v. Autoridade da Concorrência — Aplicação das regras de concorrência a ordens profissionais, Revista de concorrência e regulação 2013 n°13 p.279-302 (PT)
  12. Szögi, Nóra: Az okleveles könyvvizsgálók kötelező továbbképzési rendszerének versenyjogi relevanciája, Versenytükör 2013 2. szám p.109-115 (HU)
  13. Künstner, Kim Manuel: Kartellrechtliche Überprüfung der Fortbildungssysteme von Berufskammern, Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht 2014 p.184-202 (DE)
  14. Nowag, Julian: Wouters, when the condemned live longer: a comment on OTOC and CNG, European Competition Law Review 2015 p.39-43 (EN)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa - Portugal


  • Freedom to provide services
  • Competition
  • - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices

Provisions of national law referred to

Decreto-Lei n.º 452/99, de 5 de novembro de 1999, du 5 novembre 1999 Decreto-Lei n.º 310/2009, de 26 de outubro de 2009, du 26 octobre 2009 Estatuto da Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas, articles 1, 6, 15, 35, 57, 59, 63 Código Deontológico do Técnico Oficial de Contas, artcles 1, 2 et 3 Regulamento do Controlo de Qualidade, publicado em anexo ao Anúncio n.º 131/2004, da Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas, de 27 de julho de 2004, da Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas, du 27 juillet 2004, articles 1, 2 et 4 Regulamento da Formação de Créditos, publicado em anexo ao Anúncio n.º 4539/2007, da Câmara dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas, de 12 de julho de 2007, da Câmara dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas, du 12 juillet 2007, articles 2, 3, 5, 6 et 8 à 17 Lei n.º 18/2003, de 11 de junho de 2003, du 11 juin 2003, articles 1, § 1, 2, § 1, 3, § 1, 4, § 1, et 5 Constituição da República Portuguesa, article 61, § 1

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Reference for a preliminary ruling

Formation of the Court

deuxième chambre (Cour)



Advocate General


Language(s) of the Case

  • Portuguese

Language(s) of the Opinion

    Information not available