Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 15 April 2010.

Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí and Visual Entidad de Gestión de Artistas Plásticos (VEGAP) v Société des auteurs dans les arts graphiques et plastiques (ADAGP) and Others.

Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunal de grande instance de Paris - France.

Approximation of laws - Intellectual property - Copyright and related rights - Resale right for the benefit of the author of an original work of art - Directive 2001/84/EC - Persons entitled to receive royalties after the death of the author of the work of art - Concept of ‘those entitled’ - National legislation retaining, for a period of 70 years after the death of the author, the resale right solely for the benefit of the author’s heirs, to the exclusion of all legatees and successors in title - Whether that legislation is compatible with Directive 2001/84.

Case C-518/08.

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
Judgment (OJ)
05/06/2010 Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí and VEGAP
Judgment (Summary)
15/04/2010 Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí and VEGAP
15/04/2010 Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí and VEGAP
Application (OJ)
07/02/2009 Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí and VEGAP
17/12/2009 Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí and VEGAP
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

2010 I-03091


Reference for a preliminary ruling – Tribunal de grande instance de Paris – Interpretation of Article 6 and Article 8(2) and (3) of Directive 2001/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the resale right for the benefit of the author of an original work of art (OJ 2001 L 272, p. 32) – Beneficiaries of the resale right after the death of the author of the work – Compliance with Directive 2001/84/EC of a national law which retains, for a period of 70 years, the resale right for the benefit of the heirs of the author, to the exclusion of all legatees and successors in title

Systematic classification scheme

4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.11 Approximation of laws
    4.11.09 Harmonised intellectual property rights Copyright and related rights

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part



Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 27/11/2008

Date of the Opinion

  • 17/12/2009

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Application: OJ C 32 from 07.02.2009, p.20

Judgment: OJ C 148 from 05.06.2010, p.7

Name of the parties

Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí and VEGAP

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Dönch, Julia: EuGH: Unsicheres Erbe? Folgerechtsvergütung darf auf gesetzliche Erben beschränkt werden, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht - Praxis im Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht 2010 p.200 (DE)
  2. Castellaneta, Marina: Diritto d'autore: dopo la morte dell'artista allo Stato il compito di individuare i beneficiari, Guida al Diritto 2010 nº 20 p.104-106 (IT)
  3. Schulze, Gernot: Anspruch auf Folgerechtsvergütungen bei Tod des Urhebers, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht 2010 p.529-530 (DE)
  4. Marino, Laure: L'affaire Dalí, La Semaine Juridique - édition générale 2010 nº 510 p.950 (FR)
  5. Idot, Laurence: Droit de suite, Europe 2010 Juin Comm. nº 216 p.28-29 (FR)
  6. Marino, Laure: Propriété littéraire et artistique. Affaire Dali: l'esprit de clocher de la dévolution successorale du droit de suite, Gazette du Palais 2010 nº 181-182 I Jur. p.22-23 (FR)
  7. Heun-Rehn, Stefan Lars-Thoren ; Wagner, Eva: Das Folgerecht nach dem Tod des Künstlers - Erste Vorabentscheidung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs, European Law Reporter 2010 p.212-218 (DE)
  8. Emile-Zola-Place, Emmanuel: Le régime de dévolution des attributs du droit d'auteur relève de la compétence de chaque Etat membre (A propos de la décision CJUE, 15 avr. 2010), Petites affiches. La Loi / Le Quotidien juridique 2010 nº 152 p.13-14 (FR)
  9. Barbelon, Charlotte: La dévolution du droit de suite encore et toujours conflictuelle ..., Droit de l'immatériel : informatique, médias, communication 2010 nº 62 p.p.22-25 (FR)
  10. Cortés Martín, José Manuel: Jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Uníon Europea, Enero - Abril 2010, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo 2010 nº 34 p.1-61 (ES)
  11. Adobati, Enrica: Gli Stati membri stabiliscono quali siano i beneficiari del diritto ad un corrispettivo sulle vendite di un'opera d'arte successive al decesso dell'autore, Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali 2010 p.293-295 (IT)
  12. Jiménez Blanco, Pilar: Revista española de Derecho Internacional 2010 p.277-280 (ES)
  13. Patsalia, Areti-Tania: To dikaioma parakolouthiseos yper tou dimiourgou prototypou ergou technis, Efarmoges Dimosiou Dikaiou 2010 p.1127-1143 (EL)
  14. Jiménez Blanco, Pilar: La sucesión de Dalí: ¿quién puede reclamar los derechos de participación de su obra? (Comentario a la STJUE de 15 de abril de 2010, As. C-518/08), Noticias de la Unión Europea 2011 nº 320 p.123-132 (ES)
  15. Van Bunnen, Louis: Le droit de suite des artistes, partagé entre droit communautaire et droit international privé, Revue critique de jurisprudence belge 2011 p.194-202 (FR)
  16. A., I.: AIDA - Annali italiani del diritto d'autore, della cultura e dello spettacolo (Ed. Giuffrè-Milano) 2011 p.444-448 (IT)
  17. Borrás, Alegría: Jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea - Sentencia de 15 de abril de 2010, Asunto C-518/08, Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí, Visual Entidad de Gestión de Artistas Plásticos (VEGAP) c. Société des Auteurs dans les arts graphiques et plastiques (ADAGP), Revista Jurídica de Catalunya 2011 nº 1 p.263-269 (ES)
  18. Gherghinaru, Raluca: On the categories of persons capable of benefiting from the resale right after the death of the author of a work of art, LANDMARK IP DECISIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE 2008-2013 (Ed. Larcier - Brussels) 2014 p.61-65 (EN)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Tribunal de grande instance de Paris - France


  • Approximation of laws
  • Intellectual, industrial and commercial property
  • - Copyright and related rights

Provisions of national law referred to

Loi no. 2006-961 du 01/08/2006 Décret no. 2007-756 du 09/05/2007 Code de la propriété intellectuelle, art. L 123-7

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Reference for a preliminary ruling

Formation of the Court

troisième chambre (Cour)



Advocate General


Language(s) of the Case

  • French

Language(s) of the Opinion

  • English