Judgment of the Court of 23 April 1986.

Parti écologiste "Les Verts" v European Parliament.

Action for annulment - Information campaign for the elections to the European Parliament.

Case 294/83.

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
Judgment (Summary)
23/04/1986 Les Verts v Parliament
23/04/1986 Les Verts v Parliament
04/12/1985 Les Verts v Parliament
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

1986 01339

Swedish VIII/00529 Finnish VIII/00551


Information not available

Systematic classification scheme

B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-19 Legal proceedings
    B-19.08 Procedural rules
      B-19.08.01 Admissibility and examination of applications, forms of order sought and pleas in law
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-18 Institutions and bodies of the Community
    B-18.01 Parliament
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-19 Legal proceedings
    B-19.02 Actions for annulment
      B-19.02.00 General
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-18 Institutions and bodies of the Community
    B-18.06 Court of Auditors
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-22 Financial provisions
    B-22.01 Budgetary rules
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-19 Legal proceedings
    B-19.02 Actions for annulment
      B-19.02.02 Applications by natural or legal persons
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-18 Institutions and bodies of the Community
    B-18.01 Parliament

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part



Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 28/12/1983

Date of the Opinion

  • 04/12/1985

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Application: OJ C 44 from 17.02.1984, p.3

Judgment: OJ C 125 from 24.05.1986, p.5

Name of the parties

Les Verts v Parliament

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Chrysanthakis, Ch.G.: Diki 1986 p.409-412 (EL)
  2. Cartou, Louis: Recueil Dalloz Sirey 1986 IR. p.453 (FR)
  3. Jacqué, Jean-Paul: Recours en annulation, campagne d'information pour l'élection du Parlement européen, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen 1986 p. 500-511 (FR)
  4. Schermers, H.G.: De groene partij, Ars aequi 1986 p.770-775 (NL)
  5. Bazex, Michel: Droit financier communautaire année 1986 - Le contrôle de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes sur les actes budgétaires, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen 1987 p.457-466 (FR)
  6. Daniele, Luigi: Il Parlamento europeo dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia, Il Foro italiano 1987 IV Col.316-324 (IT)
  7. Constantinesco, Vlad ; Simon, Denys: Chronique de jurisprudence de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes - Institutions, Journal du droit international 1987 p.409-417 (FR)
  8. Van Kraay, Frans: Law Teacher 1987 Vol.21 p.86-88 (EN)
  9. Sace, J.: Chronique de jurisprudence, Revue de droit international et de droit comparé 1987 p.383-386 (FR)
  10. Seider, Rainer: Wahlkampfkostenerstattung bei der Europawahl - EuGH, DVBl 1986, 995, Juristische Schulung 1987 p.953-956 (DE)
  11. Kovar, Robert: Observations sur l'arrêt du 23 avril 1986, Parti écologiste "Les Verts" c. Parlement européen, affaire 294/83, Cahiers de droit européen 1987 p. 314-332 (FR)
  12. Constantinesco, Vlad ; Simon, Denys: Recueil Dalloz Sirey 1987 Jur. p.79-82 (FR)
  13. Vilà Costa, Blanca: Jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas, Revista Jurídica de Catalunya 1987 p.555-558 (PM) (ES)
  14. Joliet, René: Le remboursement des frais électoraux: un contentieux oublié, Hacia un nuevo orden internacional y europeo. Estudios en homenaje al profesor don Manuel Díez de Velasco (Ed. Tecnos - Madrid) 1993 p.985-1005 (FR)
  15. Wölker, Ulrich: Rechtsschutz Privater gegenüber dem europäischen Gesetzgeber, Die öffentliche Verwaltung 2003, n° 14, p. 570-577 (DE)
  16. Jacobs, Francis G.: Constitutional control of European elections. The scope of judicial review, Fordham International Law Journal 2005, Vol. 28, no. 4, p. 1049-1061 (EN)
  17. Булюи, Жан ; Шевалие, Роже-Мишел: Иск за отмяна на незаконосъобразни актове - допустимост по чл. 173 (нов чл. 230) ДEO - актове, подлежащи на отмяна, Най-важни решения на Cьда на Eвропейските общности (Ed. Институт по Европейско право - Sofia) 2007 р.209-212 (BG)
  18. Lenaerts, Koen: The Basic Constitutional Charter of a Community Based on the Rule of Law, The past and future of EU law: the classics of EU law revisited on the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty (Hart Publishing, Oxford) 2010, p. 295-315 (EN)
  19. Jacqué, Jean-Paul: Les Verts v The European Parliament, The past and future of EU law: the classics of EU law revisited on the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty (Hart Publishing, Oxford) 2010, p. 316-323 (EN)
  20. Alemanno, Alberto: What Has Been, and What Could Be, Thirty Years after Les Verts/European Parliament, The past and future of EU law: the classics of EU law revisited on the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty (Hart Publishing, Oxford) 2010, p. 324-332 (EN)
  21. Walker, Neil: Opening or Closure? The Constitutional Intimations of the ECJ, The past and future of EU law: the classics of EU law revisited on the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty (Hart Publishing, Oxford) 2010, p. 333-342 (EN)
  22. Eijsbouts, W.T.: De opkomst van het Europees Parlement en van de groene beweging, gesteund door een activistische rechter, Het recht van de Europese Unie in 50 klassieke arresten (Ed. Boom Juridische Uitgevers - Den Haag) 2010 p.166-171 (NL)
  23. X: Europees Recht 1963-1979; Jurisprudentie en Annotaties (Ed. Ars Aequi Libri - Utrecht) 2012 p.60-61 (NL)
  24. Sap, Jan Willem ; Smit, Marije: Ars Aequi Jurisprudentie Europeese Recht (3e druk) 2015 p.68-69 (NL)
  25. Boerger, Anne ; Davies, Bill: Imagining the course of European law? Parti ecologiste "Les Verts" v. Parliament as a constitutional milestone in EU law, EU law stories: contextual and critical histories of European jurisprudence (Ed. Cambridge University Press) 2017, p. 83-102 (EN)
  26. Gaudin, Hélène: 1. Communauté de droit - Union de droit. CJCE, 23 avr. 1986, n° 294/83, Parti écologiste Les Verts c/ Parlement européen, Les grands arrêts de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne. Droit constitutionnel et institutionnel de l'Union européenne (Dalloz, 2e édition) 2023, p. 4-15 (FR)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Information not available


  • Provisions governing the institutions
  • Financial provisions
  • - Budget

Provisions of national law referred to

Information not available

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Actions for annulment : application granted

Formation of the Court

Cour plénière (Cour)



Advocate General


Language(s) of the Case

  • French

Language(s) of the Opinion

  • Italian