Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 December 2018

Proceedings brought by Heinrich Weiss and Others

Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesverfassungsgericht

Reference for a preliminary ruling — Economic and monetary policy –– Decision (EU) 2015/774 of the European Central Bank — Validity — Secondary markets public sector asset purchase programme — Articles 119 and 127 TFEU — Powers of the ECB and the European System of Central Banks — Maintenance of price stability — Proportionality — Article 123 TFEU — Prohibition of monetary financing of Member States in the euro area

Case C-493/17

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
Press release
08/05/2020 Weiss and Others
Press release
05/05/2020 Weiss and Others
Subsequent national decision
05/05/2020 Weiss and Others
Judgment (OJ)
01/02/2019 Weiss and Others
11/12/2018 Weiss and Others
Judgment (Summary)
11/12/2018 Weiss and Others
Application (OJ)
10/11/2017 Weiss and Others
18/10/2017 Weiss and Others
04/10/2018 Weiss and Others
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

published in the electronic Reports of Cases (Court Reports - general)


Information not available

Systematic classification scheme

3 Legal proceedings
  3.04 Reference for a preliminary ruling
    3.04.02 Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice
3 Legal proceedings
  3.04 Reference for a preliminary ruling
    3.04.02 Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice
3 Legal proceedings
  3.04 Reference for a preliminary ruling
    3.04.02 Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.12 Economic and monetary policy
    4.12.02 Monetary policy
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.12 Economic and monetary policy
    4.12.02 Monetary policy
1 The legal order of the European Union
  1.01 Sources of EU law
    1.01.02 General principles of law Principle of proportionality
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.12 Economic and monetary policy
    4.12.02 Monetary policy
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.12 Economic and monetary policy
    4.12.02 Monetary policy
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.12 Economic and monetary policy
    4.12.02 Monetary policy
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.12 Economic and monetary policy
    4.12.02 Monetary policy
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.12 Economic and monetary policy
    4.12.02 Monetary policy
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.12 Economic and monetary policy
    4.12.02 Monetary policy

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part



Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 17/08/2017

Date of the Opinion

  • 04/10/2018

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Judgment: OJ C 65 from 18.02.2019, p.14

Application: OJ C 402 from 27.11.2017, p.9

Name of the parties

Weiss and Others

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian: Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht: Anleihenkaufprogramm der EZB zulässig, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 2019 p.172-173 (DE)
  2. Ludwigs, Markus: Das PSPP-Urteil des EuGH als Provokation der Eskalation, Europäisches Wirtschafts- & Steuerrecht - EWS 2019 p.1 (DE)
  3. Heide, Fabian: Anmerkung, Juristenzeitung 2019 N°6 p.305-310 (DE)
  4. Raganelli, Biancamaria: Acquisto di titoli del debito sovrano sui mercati secondari, mandato della BCE e diritto dell'Unione, Il Foro italiano 2019 IV Col.170-173 (IT)
  5. Mooij, Annelieke: The Weiss judgment: The Court's further clarification of the ECB's legal framework, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 2019 Vol.26 N°3 p.449-465 (EN)
  6. Dawson, Mark ; Bobić, Ana: Quantitative Easing at the Court of Justice – Doing whatever it takes to save the euro: Weiss and Others, Common Market Law Review 2019 p.1004-1040 (EN)
  7. Broemel, Roland: Unionsrechtlicher Rahmen währungspolitischer Maßnahmen des ESZB, Zeitschrift für Gesetzgebung 2019 N°3 p.276-291 (DE)
  8. Dornacher, Corinna: Schlusskapitel oder Zwischenakt? - Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuGH v. 11.12.2018, Rs. C-493/17 (Weiss u.a.), Europarecht 2019 p.546-552 (DE)
  9. Dietz, Sara: Die gerichtliche Kontrolle der EZB durch den EuGH und das BVerfG - ein Konfliktfall im Verfassungsgerichtsverbund und Eurosystem ?, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 2019 p.925-933 (DE)
  10. Calvo Vérgez, Juan: La adecuacion de la politica monetaria de expansion cuantitativa del BCE al TFUE a la luz de la jurisprudencia del TJUE, Revista Aranzadi de Unión Europea 2019 nº 11 p.27-44 (ES)
  11. Martucci, Francesco: XXIV. Union économique et monétaire - Cour de justice, gde ch., 11 décembre 2018, Weiss e.a., aff. C-493/17, ECLI:EU:C:2018:1000, Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2018. Décisions et commentaires (Ed. Bruylant - Bruxelles) 2019, p. 1033-1045 (FR)
  12. Simon, Denys: Union économique et monétaire - Compétences de la BCE, Europe 2019, Février nº 2, Comm. 105 (FR)
  13. Timmermans, C.W.A.: Wie handelt er ultra vires? : Bundesverfassungsgericht vs EU Hof van Justitie, Nederlands juristenblad 2020 p.1791-1795 (NL)
  14. Meij, Arjen W.H.: HvJ EU 11 december 2018, C-493/17 : noot, Nederlandse jurisprudentie ; Uitspraken in burgerlijke en strafzaken 2020 nº 41 p. 5640-5643 (NL)
  15. Perillo, Ezio: De Karlsruhe au Kirchberg et retour: le long voyage, courageux mais prévisible, d´un tourmenté «ultra vires Urteil», Il diritto dell'Unione Europea 2020 p. 127-159 (FR)
  16. Corti Varela, Justo: El Public Sector Purchase Programme (PSPP) a la luz de las Jurisprudencias del TJUE y del Tribunal Constitucional Federal Alemán: antecedentes y consecuencias de la sentencia del BVerfG de 5 de mayo de 2020 (2 BvR 859/15), Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo 2021 nº 68 p. 67-112 (ES)
  17. Rodriguez-Bereijo León, María: Primacía vs. soberanía en el proceso de integración fiscal europeo: el conflicto financiero constitucional tras el caso “Weiss”, Revista española de Derecho Financiero 2022 nº 194 p. 111-162 (ES)
  18. Michiels, Gauthier: Le contrôle ultra vires et le « mandat » de la Banque centrale européenne : que reste-t-il du droit européen ? Le cadre juridique de la Banque centrale européenne à l’épreuve de la saga Weiss, Cahiers de droit européen 2022, n° 2-3, p. 445-522 (FR)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Bundesverfassungsgericht - Germany


  • Economic and monetary policy
  • - European Central Bank (ECB)
  • - Euro

Provisions of national law referred to

Information not available

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Reference for a preliminary ruling
  • Reference for a preliminary ruling : dismissal on grounds of inadmissibility

Formation of the Court

grande chambre (Cour)


Bay Larsen

Advocate General


Language(s) of the Case

  • German

Language(s) of the Opinion

  • French