Language of document :

Order of the General Court of 29 July 2021 – ClientEarth v Commission

(Case T-52/21) 1

(Access to documents – Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 – Aarhus Convention – Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 – Documents held by the Commission concerning the control system established for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy – Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 – Implied refusal of access – Express decision adopted after the action was brought – No need to adjudicate)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: ClientEarth AISBL (Brussels, Belgium) (represented by: O.W. Brouwer, lawyer)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: A. Spina and C. Ehrbar, acting as Agents)


Application under Article 263 TFEU for annulment of the Commission’s implied decision of 16 November 2020 rejecting the confirmatory application for access to several documents concerning the control system established for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy.

Operative part of the order

There is no longer any need to adjudicate on the action.

The European Commission shall pay the costs.


1     OJ C 128, 12.4.2021.