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Notice for the OJ



     13 February 2003

in Case T-333/01: Karl L. Meyer v Commission of the European Communities(1)

    (OCT ( Action for damages ( Duty of publication and control ( Causal link)

    (Language of the case: French)

In Case T-333/01, Karl L. Meyer, residing at Uturoa (French Polynesia), represented by J.-D. des Arcis, lawyer, with an address for service in Luxembourg, v Commission of the European Communities (Agents: M.-J. Jonczy and B. Martenczuk): Application for compensation for damage allegedly suffered by the applicant because of alleged maladministration by the Commission in the application of decisions on the association of the overseas countries and territories, the Court of First Instance (Third Chamber), composed of: K. Lenaerts, President, J. Azizi and M. Jaeger, Judges; B. Pastor, Deputy Registrar, has given a judgment on 13 February 2003, in which it:

1.Dismisses the action;

2.Orders the applicant to pay the costs.


1 - OJ C 68 of 16.3.2002