Language of document : ECLI:EU:T:2014:755

Order of the General Court (Third Chamber) of 3 September 2014 — Diadikasia Symvouloi Epicheiriseon v Commission

(Case T‑261/12)

Actions for damages — Public service contract — Tender procedure — Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Commission for protection of competition in Serbia — Rejection of a tender — Action manifestly lacking any foundation in law

1.                     Non-contractual liability — Conditions — Unlawfulness — Damage — Causal link — One of the conditions not satisfied — Claim for compensation dismissed in its entirety (Art. 340, second para., TFEU) (see paras 27-29)

2.                     Judicial proceedings — Producing evidence — Time-limit — Evidence lodged out of time — Conditions (Rules of Procedure of the General Court, Arts 44(1), and 48(1)) (see para. 40)


ACTION for damages seeking compensation for the harm allegedly suffered by the applicant as a result of the decision of the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia to annul the decision to award the contract to the applicant in tender procedure EuropeAid/131427/C/SER/RS, concerning the strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Commission for protection of competition in Serbia (OJ 2011/S 147-243259).

Operative part


1. The action is dismissed.


2. Diadikasia Symvouloi Epicheiriseon AE is ordered to pay the costs.