Language of document :

Judgment of the General Court of 16 October 2018 — Proof IT v EIGE

(Case T-10/17) 1

(Public service contracts — Tender procedure — Request for services that were split into two lots — Website services — Rejection of the tender submitted by a tenderer — Award criteria — Transparency — Equal treatment — Manifest error of assessment — Non-contractual liability)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: Proof IT SIA (Riga, Latvia) (represented by: J. Jerņeva and D. Pāvila, lawyers)

Defendant: European Institute for Gender Equality (represented by: J. Stuyck, V. Ost and M. Vanderstraeten, lawyers)


Application, first, under Article 263 TFEU for annulment of EIGE’s decision rejecting the tender submitted by the applicant in the context of Lot 1 relating to invitation to tender EIGE/2016/OPER/03 entitled ‘Framework contract for online services’, and awarding the framework contract to another tenderer, and, second, under Article 268 TFEU seeking compensation for the damage allegedly suffered by the applicant on account of loss of opportunity or loss of the contract itself.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Dismisses the action;

Orders Proof IT SIA to pay the costs.


1 OJ C 78, 13.3.2017.