Language of document : ECLI:EU:T:2018:812

Order of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) of 19 November 2018 –
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg v SRB

(Case T14/17)

(Action for annulment — Economic and monetary union — Banking union — Single Resolution Mechanism of credit institutions and certain investment firms (SRM) — Single Resolution Fund (SRF) — Setting of the 2016 ex-ante contribution — Period for bringing an action — Out of time — Manifest inadmissibility)

1.      Action for annulment — Time-limits — Point from which time starts to run — Decision neither published nor notified to the applicant — Precise knowledge of the content and reasons — Duty to request the whole text of the decision within a reasonable time once its existence is known — Duty to act within a reasonable time — Criteria for assessment

(Art. 263, sixth para. TFEU)

(see paras 35, 44-46, 51)

2.      Acts of the institutions — General obligation to inform the addressees of measures of the judicial remedies available and of the time-limits — None

(Arts 263, fourth and sixth para. TFEU and 275, second para. TFEU)

(see para. 41)


Application based on Article 263 TFEU seeking annulment, first, of the decision of the SRB in its executive session of 15 April 2016 on the 2016 ex-ante contributions to the Single Resolution Fund (SRB/ES/SRF/2016/06) and, second, of the decision of the SRB in its executive session of 20 May 2016 on the adjustment of the 2016 ex-ante contributions to the Single Resolution Fund, supplementing the decision of the Board of 15 April 2016 (SRB/ES/SRF/2016/13), to the extent that they concern the applicant.

Operative part


The action is dismissed as manifestly inadmissible.


Landesbank Baden-Württemberg is ordered to bear its own costs and to pay the costs incurred by the Single Resolution Board (SRB).


The European Commission shall bear its own costs.