Language of document :

Judgment of the General Court of 10 April 2024 – Columbus Stainless v Commission

(Case T-445/22) 1

(Protective measures – Steel products market – Imports of certain steel products – Economic Partnership Agreement – Southern African Development Community – Exemption clause – Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/664 – Initiation of an investigation – Rights of the defence – Principle of good administration – Obligation to state reasons – Manifest error of assessment)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: Columbus Stainless (Pty) Ltd (Middelburg, South Africa) (represented by: L. Catrain González and F. Pili, lawyers)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: G. Luengo and F. Marisi, acting as Agents)


By its action under Article 263 TFEU, the applicant seeks annulment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/664 of 21 April 2022 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/159 imposing a definitive safeguard measure against imports of certain steel products (OJ 2022 L 121, p. 12), in its entirety or in so far as it applies to the applicant.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Dismisses the action;

Orders Columbus Stainless (Pty) Ltd to pay the costs.


1 OJ C 326, 29.8.2022.