Language of document :

Judgment of the General Court of 10 April 2024 – Schönegger Käse-Alm v EUIPO – Jumpseat3D plus Germany (Rebell)

(Case T-161/23) 1

(EU trade mark – Revocation proceedings – EU word mark Rebell – Partial revocation – Genuine use of the trade mark – Article 58(1)(a) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 – Right to be heard – Obligation to state reasons – Article 94(1) of Regulation 2017/1001)

Language of the case: German


Applicant: Schönegger Käse-Alm GmbH (Prem, Germany) (represented by: M.-C. Seiler, lawyer)

Defendant: European Union Intellectual Property Office (represented by: T. Klee, acting as Agent)

Other party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal of EUIPO: Jumpseat3D plus Germany GmbH (Berlin, Germany)


By its action under Article 263 TFEU, the applicant seeks the annulment of the decision of the First Board of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) of 13 January 2023 (Case R 295/2022-1).

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

1.    Annuls the decision of the First Board of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) of 13 January 2023 (Case R 295/2022-1) to the extent that the EU word mark Rebell was declared to be revoked for ʻmilk products, in particular butter, butter preparations, clarified butter, butter oils, quark, quark desserts, milk products, dried milk products, dietetic foodstuffs made using milk and milk productsʼ;

2.    Orders EUIPO to pay the costs.


1     OJ C 173, 15.5.2023.