Language of document :

Judgment of the General Court of 4 March 2010 - Sun Sang Kong Yuen Shoes Factory v Council

(Case T-409/06) 1

(Dumping - Imports of footwear with uppers of leather from China and Vietnam - Market economy treatment - Sampling - Lack of cooperation - Rights of the defence - Injury - Obligation to state reasons)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: Sun Sang Kong Yuen Shoes Factory (Hui Yang) Corp. Ltd (Hui Yang City, China) (represented by I. MacVay, Solicitor, R. Thompson QC and K. Beal, Barrister)

Defendant: Council of the European Union (represented by: J.-P. Hix, Agent and by G. Berrisch, lawyer)

Interveners in support of the defendant: European Commission (represented by H. van Vliet and T. Scharf, Agents); Confédération européenne de l'industrie de la chaussure (CEC) (Brussels, Belgium) (represented initially by P. Vlaemminck, G. Zonnekeyn and S. Verhulst and then by P. Vlaemminck and A. Hubert, lawyers); BA.LA. di Lanciotti Vittorio & C. Sas (Monte Urano, Italy) and the 16 other interveners listed in the annex to the judgment (represented by G. Celona, P. Tabellini and C. Cavaliere, lawyers)


Application for partial annulment of Council Regulation (EC) No 1472/2006 of 5 October 2006 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain footwear with uppers of leather originating in the People's Republic of China and Vietnam (OJ 2006 L 275, p. 1), in so far as it concerns the applicant.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

1.    Dismisses the action;

2.    Orders Sun Sang Kong Yuen Shoes Factory (Hui Yang) Corp. Ltd to pay its own costs and those incurred by the Council of the European Union;

3.    Orders the European Commission, the Confédération européenne de l'industrie de la chaussure (CEC), BA.LA. di Lanciotti Vittorio & C. Sas and the 16 other interveners listed in the annex to bear their own costs.


1 - OJ C 42, 24.2.2007.