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Notice for the OJ


Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 11 February 2003 in Case T-30/02: Wolfgang Leonhardt v European Parliament 1

(Officials ( Reports ( Promotion ( Amendment to the rules ( Transitional measures)

    (Language of the case: French)

In Case T-30/02: Wolfgang Leonhardt, an official of the European Parliament, residing in La Hulpe (Belgium), represented by H. Tagaras, avocat, against European Parliament (Agents: H. von Hertzen and D. Moore) ( application for annulment of the Parliament's decision of 11 June 2001 resetting at zero the tally of promotion points held by the applicant on 1 January 2000 ( the Court of First Instance (First Chamber), composed of: B. Vesterdorf, President, R.M. Moura Ramos and H. Legal, Judges; D. Christensen, Administrator, for the Registrar, has given a judgment on 11 February 2003, the operative part of which is as follows:

1.The Parliament's decision of 11 June 2001 resetting at zero the tally of promotion points held by Mr Leonhardt on 1 January 2000 is annulled.

2.The Parliament shall bear the costs.


1 - OJ C 109 of 4.5.02.