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Order of the General Court of 6 October 2015 — GEA Group v OHIM (engineering for a better world)

(Case T-545/14) 1

(Community trade mark — Application for Community word mark engineering for a better world — Merely confirmatory decision — Finality of the confirmed decision — Finding of the Court of its own motion — Inadmissibility)

Language of the case: German


Applicant: GEA Group AG (Düsseldorf, Germany) (represented by: J. Schneiders, lawyer)

Defendant: Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (represented: initially by A. Pohlmann and subsequently by S. Hanne, Agents)


Action brought against the decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal of OHIM of 2 June 2014 (Case R 303/2014-4) concerning an application for registration of the word sign ‘engineering for a better world’ as a Community trade mark.

Operative part of the order

1.    The action is dismissed.

2.    GEA Group AG shall pay the costs.


1     OJ C 339, 29.9.2014.