Language of document :

Judgment of the General Court of 12 May 2021 – Luxembourg and Amazon v Commission

(Cases T-816/17 and T-318/18) 1

(State aid – Aid implemented by Luxembourg in favour of Amazon – Decision declaring the aid incompatible with the internal market and unlawful and ordering its recovery – Tax ruling – Transfer pricing – Selective tax advantage – Transfer pricing arrangement – Functional analysis)

Language of the case: English and French


Applicant in Case T-816/17: Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (represented by: T. Uri, acting as Agent, and by D. Waelbroeck, A. Steichen and J. Bracker, lawyers)

Applicants in Case T-318/18: Amazon EU Sàrl (Luxembourg, Luxembourg),, Inc. (Seattle, Washington, United States) (represented by: D. Paemen, M. Petite and A. Tombiński, lawyers)

Defendant: European Commission (represented, in Case T-816/17, by P. Stancanelli, P.-J. Loewenthal and F. Tomat, acting as Agents, and by M. Chammas, lawyer, and, in Case T-318/18, by P.-J. Loewenthal and F. Tomat, acting as Agents)

Intervener in support of the applicant in Case T-816/17: Ireland (represented by: J. Quaney and A. Joyce, acting as Agents, and by P. Gallagher, Senior Counsel, B. Doherty, Barrister, and S. Kingston, Senior Counsel)


Actions pursuant to Article 263 TFEU for the annulment of Commission Decision (EU) 2018/859 of 4 October 2017 on State aid SA.38944 (2014/C) (ex 2014/NN) implemented by Luxembourg in favour of Amazon (OJ 2018 L 153, p. 1).

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Joins Cases T-816/17 and T-318/18 for the purposes of the present judgment;

Annuls Commission Decision (EU) 2018/859 of 4 October 2017 on State aid SA.38944 (2014/C) (ex 2014/NN) implemented by Luxembourg in favour of Amazon;

Orders the European Commission to bear its own costs and to pay those incurred by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,, Inc. and Amazon EU Sàrl;

Orders Ireland to bear its own costs.


1 OJ C 72, 26.2.2018.