Language of document : ECLI:EU:C:2023:662



Order of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 6 September 2023 –
Vlad Magic

(Case C230/22) (1)

(Reference for a preliminary ruling – Article 53(2) and Article 94 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice – Statement of the reasons justifying the need for an interpretation of certain provisions of European Union law by the Court of Justice and of the relationship between those provisions and the national legislation applicable – Insufficient information – Manifest inadmissibility)

1.      Questions referred for a preliminary ruling – Admissibility – Questions referred without sufficient information regarding the reasons justifying the need for an answer to the questions referred for a preliminary ruling – No connecting factor between the dispute in the main proceedings and the provision of EU law referred to in the questions referred for a preliminary ruling – Manifest inadmissibility

(Art. 267 TFEU; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, Arts 53(2) and 94)

(see paragraphs 15-18, 20, 22, 25, operative part)

2.      Questions referred for a preliminary ruling – Jurisdiction of the Court – Limits – Request for an interpretation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights – No indication of the links to EU law – Manifest inadmissibility

(Art. 267 TFEU; Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Art. 51(1); Rules of Procedure of the Court, Art. 53(2))

(see paragraphs 23-25, operative part)

Operative part

The request for a preliminary ruling made by the Judecătoria Lehliu-Gară (Court of First Instance, Lehliu-Gară, Romania), by decision of 6 December 2021, is manifestly inadmissible.

1 OJ C 368, 26.9.2022.