Language of document :

Order of the General Court of 10 September 2014 — Lomnici v Parliament

(Case T-650/13) 1

(Action for annulment — Petition addressed to the European Parliament concerning the new law on Slovak citizenship — Petition declared admissible — Decision to close the procedure — Act not amenable to review — Inadmissibility)

Language of the case: Hungarian


Applicant: Zoltán Lomnici (Budapest, Hungary) (represented by: Z. Lomnici, lawyer)

Defendant: European Parliament (represented by: A. Pospíšilová Padowska and T. Lukácsi, acting as Agents)


Application to annul the decision of the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament of 17 October 2013 to declare Petition No 1298/2012 closed.

Operative part of the order

1.    The European Parliament’s request for a declaration that there is no need to adjudicate is rejected.

2.    The action is dismissed as inadmissible.

3.    There is no need to adjudicate on the applications for leave to intervene submitted by the Slovak Republic and Hungary.

4.    Mr Zoltán Lomnici shall bear his own costs and pay those incurred by the Parliament.

5.    The Slovak Republic and Hungary shall bear their own costs.



1     OJ C 71, 8.3.2014.