Language of document :

Order of the Court of First Instance of 27 August 2008 - Adomex International v Commission

(Case T-315/05) 1

(Action for annulment - Aid granted by the Netherlands authorities in the floriculture sector - Decision not to raise objections - Not individually concerned - Manifest inadmissibility)

Language of the case: Dutch


Applicant: Adomex International BV (Aalsmeer, Netherlands) (represented by: G. van der Wal and T. Boesman, lawyers)

Defendant: Commission of the European Communities (represented by: H. van Vliet and A. Stobiecka-Kuik, acting as Agents)


Action for annulment of Commission Decision C (2005) 592 final of 16 March 2005 not to raise objections with regard to aid N 372/2003 concerning the floriculture sector, notified by the Netherlands authorities

Operative part of the order

1.    The action is dismissed as manifestly inadmissible.

2.    Adomex International BV is ordered to pay the costs.


1 - OJ C 281, 12.11.2005.