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Notice for the OJ


Judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) of 5 November 2002 in Case T-205/01: André Ronsse v Commission of the European Communities1

(Officials ( Remuneration ( Household allowance ( Recovery of sum overpaid)

    (Language of the case: French)

In Case T-205/01: André Ronsse, an official of the Commission of the European Communities, residing in Brussels, represented by E. Boigelot, lawyer, with an address for service in Luxembourg, against Commission of the European Communities (Agents: J. Currall, F. Clotuche-Duvieusart and B. Wägenbaur) - application for, first, annulment of the decisions of the Commission contained in letters of 9 and 23 November 2000 and in so far as necessary in the letter of 15 January 2002 and the implied rejection of his complaint lodged on 8 February 2001, all relating to repayment of EUR 22 443.07 corresponding to the household allowance paid to the applicant from 1 January 1994 to 1 November 2000 and, secondly, reimbursement of the amounts withheld from his pension since December 2000, together with interest at the statutory rate - the Court of First Instance (First Chamber), composed of B. Vesterdorf, President, N.J. Forwood and H. Legal, Judges; J. Palacio González, Administrator, for the Registrar, gave a judgment on 5 November 2002, in which it:

1.Dismisses the application.

    2.Orders the parties to bear their own costs.


1 - OJ No C 317 of 10.11.01.