Language of document :

Order of the General Court of 9 February 2018 — Arcofin and Others v Commission

(Case T-711/14) 1

(Action for annulment — State aid — Aid implemented by Belgium in favour of the ARCO Group financial cooperatives — Guarantee scheme protecting the shares of natural persons who are individual members of those cooperatives — Decision declaring the aid incompatible with the internal market — Selective advantage — Measure liable to distort or threaten to distort competition and to affect trade between Member States — Measure intended to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State — Legitimate expectations — Action in part manifestly inadmissible and in part manifestly lacking any foundation in law)

Language of the case: French


Applicants: Arcofin SCRL (Brussels, Belgium), Arcopar SCRL (Brussels), Arcoplus (Brussels) (represented by: R. Martens, A. Verlinden and C. Maczkovics, lawyers)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: L. Flynn and B. Stromsky, acting as Agents)


Application based on Article 263 TFEU seeking annulment of Commission Decision 2014/686/EU of 3 July 2014 on State aid SA.33927 (13/C) (ex 11/NN) implemented by Belgium — Guarantee scheme protecting the shares of individual members of financial cooperatives (OJ 2014 L 284, p. 53).

Operative part of the order

The action is dismissed as being in part manifestly inadmissible and in part manifestly lacking any foundation in law.

Arcofin SCRL, Arcopar SCRL and Arcoplus shall pay the costs.


1     OJ C 409, 17.11.2014.