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Notice for the OJ


Order of the Court of First Instance of 29 May 2002 in Case T-21/02: Giuseppe Atzeni and Others v Commission of the European Communities1

(Action for annulment ( Commission Decision 97/612/EC ( State aid ( Agricultural sector ( Time-limits for bringing proceedings ( Time-bar ( Inadmissibility)

    (Language of the case: Italian)

In Case T-21/02: Giuseppe Atzeni, residing at Serdiana (Italy), and Others, represented by G. Dore and F. Ciulli, lawyers, v Commission of the European Communities (Agents: D. Triantafyllou and V. Di Bucci) ( application, principally, for annulment of Commission Decision 97/612/EC of 16 April 1997 on aid granted by the Region of Sardinia, Italy, in the agriculture sector (OJ 1997 L 248, p. 27), alternatively for partial annulment of that decision to the extent that it provides for repayment of the aid granted ( the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber, Extended Composition), composed of: J.D. Cooke, President, and R. García-Valdecasas, P. Lindh, N.J. Forwood and H. Legal, Judges; H. Jung, Registrar, made an order on 29 May 2002, the operative part of which is as follows:

1.The action is dismissed as inadmissible.

2.There is no need to rule on the Council's application for leave to intervene.

3.The applicants are to bear their own costs and to pay the costs of the Commission, including those relating to the procedure for interim measures.


1 - OJ C 118 of 18.5.2002.