Language of document : ECLI:EU:T:2015:197

Order of the General Court (Third Chamber) of 25 March 2015 —
Borde and Carbonium v Commission

(Case T‑314/14)

Action for annulment — Intra-ACP programme of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) — Expert service agreements — Framework contract concerning a programme evaluation mission — Request for an expert’s mission to be terminated — Act forming part of a purely contractual context from which it is inseparable — Inadmissibility

Actions for annulment — Action relating in reality to a contractual dispute — Action for annulment of letters sent by an institution to a contractor proposing replacement of an expert involved in the performance of a framework contract — No jurisdiction of the EU judicature — Inadmissibility (Arts 263 TFEU and 288 TFEU) (see paras 28-30, 33, 35)


ACTION for annulment of the Commission’s requests of 19 and 20 February 2014 to terminate Mr Borde’s assignment as an expert involved in the performance of framework contract EuropeAid/127054/C/SER/Multi concerning a mission for the evaluation of the Intra-ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) programme of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA).

Operative part


The action is dismissed.


Mr Alexandre Borde and Carbonium are ordered to pay the costs.