Language of document : ECLI:EU:T:2014:1082

Case T‑330/14 P

Ewelina Jelenkowska-Luca


European Commission

(Appeals — Civil service — Officials — Appeal lodged in a different language to that in which the Civil Service Tribunal judgment under appeal was drafted — Appeal manifestly inadmissible)

Summary — Order of the General Court (Appeal Chamber), 11 December 2014

Judicial proceedings — Rules on languages — Choice of language of the case — Obligation to comply with that choice in the event of an appeal

(Rules of Procedure of the General Court, Arts 35(2)(c), and 136a)

An appeal not lodged in the language of the case of the Civil Service Tribunal judgment under appeal is not filed in accordance with the language rules of the General Court and is not admissible.

That ground for inadmissibility cannot be circumvented by a request for a derogation from the language rules submitted after the expiry of the deadline for bringing the appeal.

(see para. 25)