Language of document : ECLI:EU:C:2023:1034



Order of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 14 December 2023 –

(Case C474/23)

(Reference for a preliminary ruling – Article 53(2) and Article 94 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice – Requirement to state the reasons justifying the need for a reply from the Court – Lack of sufficient information – Manifest inadmissibility)

Questions referred for a preliminary ruling – Admissibility – Request not explaining why reference to the Court is necessary – Manifest inadmissibility

(Art. 267 TFEU; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, Arts 53(2) and 94(c))

(see paragraphs 15, 17-19, operative part)

Operative part

The request for a preliminary ruling made by the Curtea de Apel Cluj (Court of Appeal, Cluj, Romania), by decision of 3 July 2023, is manifestly inadmissible.