Language of document :

Notice for the OJ


Action brought on 13 June 2003 by Peter McBride against the Commission of the European Communities

    (Case T-230/03)

    Language of the case: English

An action against the Commission of the European Communities was brought before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities on 13 June 2003 by Peter McBride, Downings, (Ireland), represented by P. Gallagher and A. Collins, Barristers, and D. Barry, Solicitor.

The applicant claims that the Court should:

listnum "WP List 1" \l 1annul the decision contained in Article 2 of Commission Decision of 4 April 2003 on the requests received by the Commission to increase in MAGP IV objectives to take into account improvements on safety, navigation at sea, hygiene, product quality and working conditions for vessels of more than 12 m in length overall notified under document number C(2003) 1113 to reject a safety capacity application in respect of the MFV Peadar Elaine II.

listnum "WP List 1" \l 1order the Commission to pay the costs of these proceedings.

Pleas in law and main arguments:

The applicant invokes the same pleas in law as in Case T-218/03.
