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Notice for the OJ



of 7 December 2004

In Case T-240/02: Koninklijke Coöperatie Cosun UA v Commission of the European Communities 1

(Agriculture - Common organisation of the markets - Sugar - Sum due for C Sugar disposed of on the internal market - Customs duty - Application for remission - Relief clause in Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 1430/79 - Concept of import or export duties - Principles of equality and legal certainty - Fairness)

(Language of the case: Dutch)

In Case T-240/02: Koninklijke Coöperatie Cosun UA, established in Breda (Netherlands), represented by M. Slotboom, N. Helder and J. Coumans, lawyers, against Commission of the European Communities (Agent: X. Lewis, assisted by F. Tuytschaever, lawyer, with an address for service in Luxembourg) - application for annulment of Commission Decision REM 19/01 of 2 May 2002, rejecting as inadmissible an application, submitted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, for remission of import duties in favour of the applicant - the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber), composed of P. Lindh, President, R. García-Valdecasas and K. Jürimaäe, Judges; J. Plingers, Administrator, for the Registrar, has given a judgment on 7 December 2004, in which it:

1.    Dismisses the action;

2.    Orders the applicant to bear its own costs and to pay the Commission's costs.


1 - OJ C 247 of 12.10.2002.