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Notice for the OJ



of 13 July 2005

in Case T-5/04: Carlo Scano v Commission of the European Communities 1

(Officials - Internal competition - Multiple-choice questions - Refusal by the selection board not to take account of certain questions - Equal treatment - Principle of good administration - Ambit of judicial review - Action for annulment - Action for damages)

(Language of the case: French)

In Case T-5/04: Carlo Scano, official of the Commission of the European Communities, resident in Brussels (Belgium), represented by M.-A. Lucas, lawyer, against the Commission of the European Communities, (Agent: J. Currall, assisted by D. Waelbroeck, lawyer, with an address for service in Luxembourg) ( action for first, annulment of the decision of the selection board in the internal competition COM/PA/02 for advancement from category B to category A establishing the results of the applicant in the pre-selection tests and refusing to admit him to the oral test of that competition, of the subsequent confirmatory decisions, of the list of successful candidates in that competition in the field in which the applicant was assessed and of any decision adopted on that basis, and second, damages ( the Court of First Instance (Fourth Chamber), composed of H. Legal, President, P. Mengozzi and I. Wiszniewska-Białecka, Judges; I. Natsinas, Administrator, for the Registrar, gave a judgment on 13 July 2005, in which it:

1.    Dismisses the action;

2.    Orders the parties to bear their own costs.


1 - OJ C 59 of 6.3.2004.