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Notice for the OJ


Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 7 December 2001 in Case T-192/01 R: Lior GEIE v Commission of the European Communities

(Procedure for interim relief ( Payment under a contract ( Interim measures ( Urgency)

    (Language of the case: French)

In Case T-192/01 R: Lior GEIE, established in Brussels, represented by V. Marien and J. Choucroun, lawyers, with an address for service in Luxembourg, v Commission of the European Communities (Agent: H. van Lier) ( application for an order requiring the Commission to pay the sum of 68 070 euros in the context of ALTENER-AGORES contract No XVII/4.1030/Z/99-085, together with interest at the Belgian statutory rate applying from 23 July 2001, to be paid within eight days from delivery of the decision to be given, or in default to pay a periodic penalty of 100 euros for each day's delay ( the President of the Court of First Instance made an order on 7 December 2001, the operative part of which is as follows:

1.The application for interim measures is dismissed.

2.The costs are reserved.
