Language of document :

Appeal brought on 1 March 2024 by OmniActive Health Technologies Ltd against the judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) delivered on 20 December 2023 in Joined Cases T-221/22 and T-242/22, Pharmaselect International and OmniActive Health Technologies v EUIPO – OmniActive Health Technologies and Pharmaselect International (LUTAMAX)

(Case C-165/24 P)

Language of the case: English


Appellant: OmniActive Health Technologies Ltd (represented by: M. Hawkins, abogado, and by C. Zimmer and T. Dolde, Rechtsanwälte)

Other parties to the proceedings: European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Pharmaselect International Beteiligungs GmbH

By order of 14 June 2024, the Court of Justice (Chamber determining whether appeals may proceed) held that the appeal was not allowed to proceed and that OmniActive Health Technologies Ltd should bear its own costs.
