Language of document :

Notice for the OJ


Action brought on 23 September 2002 by Asian Institute of Technology against Commission of the European Communities

    (Case T-287/02)

    (Language of the case: French)

An action against the Commission of the European Communities was brought before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities on 23 September 2002 by the Asian Institute of Technology, whose registered office is at Klong Luang (Thailand), represented by Henri Teissier du Cros, lawyer, with an address for service in Luxembourg.

The applicant claims that the Court should:

-annul the decision of the European Commission of 4 July 2000 to conclude a research contract with the director of the "Center Energy-Environment Research and Development" (CEERD) of the Asian Institute of Technology.

Pleas in law and main arguments

The Commission, by the contested decision, entered into a research contract with the "Center Energy-Environment Research and Development", represented by its director. That centre is a department of the applicant with no legal personality.

According to the applicant, the director of the "Center Energy-Environment Research and Development" had no mandate to conclude such a contract. The Commission thus infringed the principle of sound administration in that it did not ascertain the powers of the director of the "Center Energy-Environment Research and Development", which is merely a department of the applicant with no legal personality.
