Language of document : ECLI:EU:T:2021:833



Order of the General Court (First Chamber) of 22 November 2021 –
Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia v Commission

(Case T454/20)

(Action for annulment – Common commercial policy – Generalised arrangement of preferential customs tariffs established by Regulation (EU) No 978/2012 – Temporary withdrawal of trade preferences applicable to certain products originating in Cambodia for reason of serious and systematic violations of human rights – Lack of direct concern – Lack of individual concern – Inadmissibility)

1.      Action for annulment – Natural or legal persons – Measures of direct and individual concern to them – Action by a trade association set up to protect and represent its members – Admissibility – Conditions

(Art. 263, fourth para., TFEU)

(see para. 17)

2.      Action for annulment – Natural or legal persons – Measures of direct and individual concern to them – Person individually affected by a measure of a general nature – Conditions – Commission Regulation temporarily withdrawing trade preferences in respect of certain products originating in Cambodia on account of serious and systematic violations of human rights – Action by a national association representing the interests of the industries concerned – Lack of individual concern of the members represented – Inadmissibility

(Art. 263, fourth para., TFEU; European Parliament and Council Regulation No 978/2012, Annex VIII, Part A; Commission Regulation 2020/550, Titles 2, 3 and 4)

(see paras 18, 44, 46-53, 64-66)

3.      Action for annulment – Natural or legal persons – Measures of direct and individual concern to them – Person individually affected by a measure of a general nature – Conditions – Commission Regulation temporarily withdrawing trade preferences in respect of certain products originating in Cambodia on account of serious and systematic violations of human rights – Action by a national association representing the interests of the industries concerned – National association which participated in the administrative procedure as a third party – Characteristic insufficient for a finding of capacity to bring an action

(Art. 263, fourth para., TFEU; European Parliament and Council Regulation No 978/2012, Art. 19(7); Commission Regulation No 1083/2013, Art. 7(1))

(see paras 45, 54-59)

4.      Action for annulment – Natural or legal persons – Measures of direct and individual concern to them – Whether directly concerned – Criteria – Commission Regulation temporarily withdrawing trade preferences in respect of certain products originating in Cambodia on account of serious and systematic violations of human rights – Action by a national association representing the interests of the industries concerned – Regulations liable to have an influence on the material situation of the members represented – Criterion not conclusive

(Art. 263, fourth para., TFEU)

(see paras 80-83, 89-90)

Operative part


The action is dismissed as inadmissible.


Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia is ordered to pay the costs.