Language of document : ECLI:EU:F:2008:158

Action brought on 7 February 2007 - Scozzaro v EMEA

(Case F-13/07)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: Salvatore Scozzaro (Broxbourne, United Kingdom) (represented by: S. Orlandi, A. Coolen, J.-N. Louis and E. Marchal, lawyers)

Defendant: European Medicines Agency (EMEA)

Form of order sought

The applicant claims that the Tribunal should:

annul the decision of 31 March 2006 by which the Executive Director of the EMEA refused the applicant's request for the establishment of an Invalidity Committee and the confirmatory decision of the following 25 October;

order the defendant to pay the costs.

Pleas in law and main arguments

On 17 March 2005, the applicant, a member of the EMEA's temporary staff, fell victim to an accident at work, as a result of which he became incapable of carrying out his work. On 14 February 2006, he was informed that his contract would not be renewed beyond 15 October 2006. His request for the establishment of an Invalidity Committee was refused.

In support of his action, the applicant pleads, in particular, breach of the first paragraph of Article 31 and of Article 33(1) of the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities (RAA), as interpreted by the Civil Service Tribunal in its judgment of 16 January 2007 in Case F-119/05 Gesner v OHIM (not yet reported in the ECR).
