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Notice for the OJ


Judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) of 26 February 2003 in Case T-212/01: Arnaldo Lucacioni v Commission of the European Communities1

(Officials ( Insurance Against the Risk of Accident and of Occupational Disease ( Aggravation of injuries ( Overlapping of capital and compensation provided by Articles 12 and 14 respectively of the Insurance Rules)

    (Language of the case: French)

In Case T-212/01: Arnaldo Lucaccioni, former official of the Commission of the European Communities, residing in St-Leonard-on-Sea (United Kingdom), represented by J. R. Iturriagagoitia Bassas, lawyer, against Commission of the European Communities (Agents: J. Currall and J.-L. Fagnart) - application for annulment of the decision of the Commission of 16 November 2000 suspending the procedure to examine a request to recognise an aggravation of his occupational illness and refusal to take action on that request and a claim for damages - the Court of First Instance (First Chamber), composed of B. Vesterdorf, President, N.J. Forwood and H. Legal, Judges; J. Palacio González, Principal Administrator, for the Registrar, gave a judgment on 26 February 2003, in which it:

1.annuls the decision of the Commission, notified to the applicant by letter of 16 November 2000, to suspend the procedure provided for by Article 22 of the Insurance Rules and not to act on the applicant's request seeking the recognition of the aggravation of his occupational illness;

    2.dismisses the remainder of the application;

    3.orders the Commission to pay the costs.


1 - OJ 2001 C 331