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Notice for the OJ



of 2 March 2004

in Case T-197/02: Georges Caravelis v European Parliament1

(Officials - Refusal to promote - Comparative examination of the merits - Annulling judgment - Implementing measures - Article 233 EC - Application for annulment and for compensation)

(Language of the case: Greek)

In Case T-197/02: Georges Caravelis, an official of the European Parliament, residing in Brussels, represented by C. Tagaras, avocat, against European Parliament (Agents: J.F. de Wachter, V. Magnis and N. Korogiannakis) - application for annulment of the Parliament's decision of 28 September 2001 not to promote the applicant retroactively to Grade A4 and for compensation in respect of the material and non-material damage which the applicant claims to have suffered - the Court (Fifth Chamber), composed of: R. García Valdecasas, President, P. Lindh and J.D. Cooke, Judges; I. Natsinas, Administrator, for the Registrar, delivered a judgment on 2 March 2004, the operative part of which is as follows:

    (1) The application is dismissed.

    (2) The parties shall bear their own costs.


1 - OJ C 233 of 28.09.02.