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Order of the General Court of 13 September 2012 - Diadikasia Symbouloi Epicheiriseon v Commission and Others

(Case T-369/11) 

(Action for damages - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - Third country - National public procurement - Decentralised management - Inadmissibility - Lack of jurisdiction)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: Diadikasia Symbouloi Epicheiriseon AE (Chalandri, Greece) (represented by: A. Krystallidis, lawyer)

Defendants: European Commission (represented by: F. Erlbacher and P. van Nuffel, Agents); European Union Delegation to Turkey (Ankara, Turkey); and Central Finance & Contracts Unit (CFCU) (Ankara, Turkey)


Application for compensation in respect of the damage arising from the CFCU's decision of 5 April 2011, and any subsequent decision, annulling the award of the contract 'Enlargement of the European Turkish Business Centres Network to Sivas, Antakya, Batman and Van - EuropeAid/128621/D/SER/TR' to the consortium Diadikasia Business Consultants SA (GR) - Wyg International Ltd (UK) - Deleeuw International Ltd (TR) - Cyberpark (TR), on the ground of allegedly false declarations

Operative part of the order

The action is dismissed.

Diadikasia Symbouloi Epicheiriseon AE shall bear its own costs and pay those incurred by the European Commission.


1 - OJ C 282, 24.9.2011.