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Judgment of the General Court of 18 November 2015 — Einhell Germany and Others v Commission

(Case T-73/12) 1

(Dumping — Imports of certain compressors originating in China — Partial refusal to refund the anti-dumping duties paid — Determination of the export price — Deduction of anti-dumping duties — Adjustment of the temporal effects of an annulment)

Language of the case: English


Applicants: Einhell Germany AG (Landau an der Isar, Germany); Hans Einhell Nederlands BV (Breda, Netherlands); Einhell France SAS (Villepinte, France); Hans Einhell Österreich GmbH (Vienna, Austria) (represented by: R. MacLean, Solicitor, and A. Bochon, lawyer)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: A. Stobiecka-Kuik, K. Talabér-Ritz and T. Maxian Rusche, acting as Agents)


Action for the partial annulment of Commission Decisions K(2011) 8831 final, C(2011) 8825 final, C(2011) 8828 final and K(2011) 8810 final of 6 December 2011 concerning applications for a refund of anti-dumping duties paid on imports of certain compressors originating in the People’s Republic of China, and, in the event that the General Court should annul the contested decisions, for the maintenance in force of the effects of those decisions until the Commission has adopted the measures necessary to comply with the judgment of the General Court in this case.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Annuls Article 1 of Commission Decisions K(2011) 8831 final, C(2011) 8825 final, C(2011) 8828 final and K(2011) 8810 final of 6 December 2011 concerning applications for a refund of anti-dumping duties paid on imports of certain compressors originating in the People’s Republic of China in so far as that article does not grant Einhell Germany AG, Hans Einhell Nederlands BV, Einhell France SAS and Hans Einhell Österreich GmbH a refund of the anti-dumping duties unduly paid beyond the amounts referred to therein;

Dismisses the action as to the remainder;

Orders the European Commission to pay the costs.


1 OJ C 109, 14.4.2012.