Language of document : ECLI:EU:T:2018:844


22 November 2018 (*)


In Case T-825/16,

Republic of Cyprus, represented by S. Malynicz QC and V. Marsland, Solicitor,



European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), represented by D. Gája, acting as Agent,


the other party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal of EUIPO, and intervener before the General Court, being

Papouis Dairies Ltd, establishedin Nicosia (Cyprus), represented by N. Korogiannakis, lawyer,

ACTION brought against the decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal of EUIPO of 22 September 2016 (Case R 2065/2014-4), relating to opposition proceedings between the Republic of Cyprus and Papouis Dairies,

THE GENERAL COURT (Second Chamber),

composed of M. Prek, President, F. Schalin (Rapporteur) and M. J. Costeira, Judges,

Registrar: E. Coulon,

makes the following


1        The Court delivered the judgment of 13 July 2018, Cyprus v EUIPO – Papouis Dairies (Pallas Halloumi), (T-825/16, EU:T:2018:482).

2        In accordance with Article 164(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court, it is necessary to rectify, in the version in the language of the case, a clerical mistake found in the object of that judgment.

On those grounds,

THE GENERAL COURT (Second Chamber)

hereby orders:

The paragraph in which the object is contained should be read as follows:

‘ACTION brought against the decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal of EUIPO of 22 September 2016 (Case R 2065/2014-4), relating to opposition proceedings between the Republic of Cyprus and Papouis Dairies,’

instead of

‘ACTION brought against an appeal brought before the Fourth Chamber of the Board of Appeal of EUIPO of 22 September 2016 (Case R 2065/2014-4), relating to opposition proceedings between the Republic of Cyprus and Papouis Dairies,’.

Luxembourg, 22 November 2018.

E. Coulon


 M. Prek




* Language of the case: English.