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Order of the Court of First Instance of 31 January 2008 - Aluminium Silicon Mill Products v Commission

(Case T-151/06) 1

(Dumping - Reimbursement of anti-dumping duties - Annulment of the regulation imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty - No need to adjudicate - Rules governing costs)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: Aluminium Silicon Mill Products GmbH (Zug, Switzerland) (represented by: L. Ruessmann and A. Willems, lawyers)

Defendant: Commission of the European Communities (represented by: P. Stancanelli and T. Scharf, Agents)


APPLICATION for annulment of Commission Decision C(2006) 1183 final of 3 April 2006 rejecting in part the applications for reimbursement of anti-dumping duties levied on imports of silicon originating in Russia

Operative part of the order

1.    There is no need to adjudicate on the action.

2.    The Commission is ordered to pay the costs.


1 - OJ C 178, of 29.7.2006.