Language of document : ECLI:EU:T:2007:113

Order of the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber) of 24 April 2007 – Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso v Parliament

(Case T‑132/06)

Compliance with a judgment of the Court of First Instance – Action partly clearly inadmissable and partly clearly devoid of legal foundation

1.                     Actions for annulment – Judgment annulling a measure – Effets – Obligation to adopt measures to comply with the judgment (Art. 233 EC) (see paras 28-30)

2.                     European Parliament – Regulation governing the payment of expenses and allowances to Members of the European Parliament (see paras 41-46)

3.                     Procedure – Res judicata – Scope (see paras 49-51)

4.                     Procedure – Production before the Court of First Instance of opinions given by the legal services of the Community institutions before the Court of First Instance – Conditions (see para. 68)


ANNULMENT of the decision of the Secretary-General of the European Parliament of 22 March 2006 adopted in consequence of the Court of First Instance’s judgment of 22 December 2005 in Case T-146/04 Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso v Parliament [2005] ECR II‑5989.

Operative part

The Court:


Dismisses the action;


Orders the applicant, Koldo Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso, to pay the costs.