Language of document : ECLI:EU:T:2021:743



Order of the General Court (First Chamber) of 22 October 2021 –
Equinoccio-Compañía de Comercio Exterior v Commission

(Case T22/21)

(Action for annulment – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – Non-member State – National public procurement – Termination of the contract by the contracting authority – Request for enforcement by the contracting authority of a bank guarantee – Countersignature by the Head of the EU Delegation in the non-member State or his deputy – Lack of jurisdiction)

Action for annulment – Action relating in reality to a contractual dispute – Pre-Accession Assistance Instrument – Non-member State – National public procurement – Termination of the contract by the contracting authority – Request for enforcement by the contracting authority of a bank guarantee – Countersignature by the Head of the EU Delegation in the non-member State or by his or her deputy – No jurisdiction of the EU judicature – Inadmissibility

(Arts 263 and 288 TFEU)

(see paras 22-25, 30, 34-36)


Application under Article 263 TFEU for annulment of the Commission’s letter of 5 November 2020, with reference GK/Regio.ddg.d. 1(2020)6793282, concerning the enforcement of the bank guarantee requested by the Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology.

Operative part


The action is dismissed.


Equinoccio-Compañía de Comercio Exterior, SL shall pay the costs.