Language of document :

Judgment of the General Court of 6 October 2021 – Global Translation Solutions v Commission

(Case T-404/20) 1

(Public service contracts – Tendering procedure – Translation services – Rejection of a tenderer’s bid – Award of the contract to another tenderer – Award criteria – Method of evaluation – Manifest error of assessment – Equal treatment – Transparency – Obligation to state reasons – Duty of diligence – Principle of sound administration)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: Global Translation Solutions ltd. (Valletta, Malta) (represented by: C. Mifsud-Bonnici, lawyer)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: A. Katsimerou, L. André and M. Ilkova, acting as Agents)


Application under Article 263 TFEU for annulment of the Commission’s decision contained in the letter of 17 April 2020 rejecting the tender submitted by the applicant for Lot 22 (EN>MT) in tendering procedure TRAD 19 and awarding that lot to another tenderer, and for annulment of ‘all related decisions’.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Dismisses the action;

Orders Global Translation Solutions ltd. to pay the costs.


1 OJ C 297, 7.9.2020.