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Notice for the OJ


Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 23 January 2003 in Case T-181/01: Chantal Hectors v European Parliament 1

(Officials ( Temporary staff ( Recruitment ( Grounds ( Manifest error of assessment ( Equal treatment of men and women)

    (Language of the case: French)

In Case T-181/01: Chantal Hectors, residing in Brussels, represented by G. Vandersanden and L. Levi, avocats, against European Parliament (Agents: H. von Hertzen and J.F. de Wachter) ( application, in the first place, for annulment of the decisions taken by the authority empowered to conclude contracts of employment appointing Mr B to the post of Dutch-language administrator in the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats Group within the European Parliament and rejecting the applicant's candidature for that post and, second, for an order that the Parliament pay compensation in respect of the material and non-material damage which the applicant claims to have suffered ( the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber), composed of: J.D. Cooke, President, R. García-Valdecasas and P. Lindh, Judges; J. Palacio González, Principal Administrator, for the Registrar, has given a judgment on 23 January 2003, the operative part of which is as follows:

1.The application is dismissed;

2.The parties shall bear their own costs.


1 - OJ C 303 of 27.10.01.