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Order of the General Court of 28 November 2017 — Staelen v Ombudsman

(Case T-217/11 REV) 1

(Non-contractual liability — Application for revision — Consequences of a subsequent judgment of the Court of Justice partially setting aside a judgment of the General Court — No new facts — Inadmissibility)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: Claire Staelen (Bridel, Luxembourg) (represented by: V. Olona, lawyer)

Other party to the proceedings: European Ombudsman (represented by: initially G. Grill, then L. Papadias, acting as Agents, and A. Duron and D. Waelbroeck, lawyers)


Application for revision of the judgment of 29 April 2015, Staelen v Ombudsman (T‑217/11, EU:T:2015:238)

Operative part of the order

1.    The application for revision is dismissed as inadmissible.

2.    Ms Claire Staelen is ordered to pay the costs.


1     OJ C 204, 9.7.2011.