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Notice for the OJ


Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 18 September 2003 in Case T-73/01: Spyridon de Athanassios Pappas v Committee of the Regions of the European Union 1

(Officials ( Recruitment ( Post of Secretary General of the Committee of the Regions ( Vacancy notice ( Recruitment procedure)

    (Language of the case: French)

In Case T-73/01, Spyridon de Athanassios Pappas, former official of the Commission of the European Communities, residing in Brussels (Belgium), represented by M.-A. Lucas, lawyer, v Committee of the Regions of the European Union, (Agents: P. Cervilla and D. Waelbroeck) ( application for annulment of the decision of the Committee of the Regions of 13 June 2000 appointing Mr Vincenzo Falcone to the post of Secretary General of the Committee of the Regions (Recruitment notice 2000/C 28 A/01) and rejecting the applicant's candidature for that post, and of the decision rejecting the applicant's complaint, ( the Court of First Instance (Third Chamber), composed of K. Lenaerts, President of the Chamber, J. Azizi and M. Jaeger, Judges; Registrar: D. Christensen, Administrator, delivered a judgment on 18 September 2003, the operative part of which is as follows:

1.The decision of the Committee of the Regions of 13 June 2000 appointing Mr Vincenzo Falcone to the post of Secretary General of the Committee of the Regions (Recruitment notice 2000/C 28 A/01) and rejecting the candidature of Mr Pappas for that post is annulled.

2.The Committee of the Regions shall pay the costs.


1 - (OJ 2001 C 161 of 2.6.01.