Language of document :

Order of the President of the General Court of 20 January 2010 - Agriconsulting Europe v Commission

(Case T-443/09 R)

(Application for interim measures - Public procurement - Tendering procedure - Rejection of a tender - Application for suspension of operation and for interim measures - Loss of opportunity - Absence of serious and irreparable damage - No urgency)

Language of the case: Italian


Applicant: Agriconsulting Europe SA (Brussels, Belgium) (represented by: F. Sciaudone, R. Sciaudone and A. Neri, lawyers)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: A. Bordes and L. Prete, acting as Agents)


Application for interim relief concerning the tendering procedure EuropeAid/127054/C/SER/Multi relating to short-term services in the exclusive interest of third countries benefiting from European Commission external aid.

Operative part of the order

1.    The application for interim measures is dismissed.

2.    The costs are reserved.
